[About The Guide]
__UnusedScreen() Find a free screen handle
__ScanScreens() Find the handle of a specified screen label
__SetGMouse() Initialize the mouse and set the cursor type
__DefineMouseWindow() Set the area where the mouse can freely move
__FixMousePosition() Move the mouse cursor to a new position
__SetEventShadow() Set objct shadow color
__DefEventRegion() Define a click region object
__ActEventRegion() Toggles event region to active status
__FlaEventRegion() Redraw an event object for flash effect (default activates)
__MovEventRegion() Moves, activates and redisplays the specified event object
__DeaEventRegion() Toggles event region to inactive status
__DefIconButton() Define and optionally activate a super icon button
__ActIconButton() Toggles the button to active and displays it
__DeaIconButton() Toggles a button off
__ClrIconButton() Clear an icon from the screen given the handle ID
__WaitForEvent() Get a mouse click and return the handle number
__WaitForClick() Get a mouse click from a specified object area
__HandleError() Display handle error and quit
__HandleInRange() Determine if handle number is in valid range
__FindUnusedHandle() Find the next free handle
__ScanObjects() Find the handle of a specified object
__FindObject() Find the object of a specified handle
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson